Monday, April 24, 2017

Insurance: A piece of Cake

the Geico Gecko
Insurance is simple right?  Now all it takes is 15 minutes and Bingo everything is done.  Wait that's just been cut to 7 1/2 minutes.  Need more help get a General in your corner.  Or better yet be Progressive and be discounted to death.

Drivers who switched  saved $$$$$$$$ and not everyone can be the lowest.  Hint look at the companies they compared themselves too and see which one saved the least.  If we just kept  switching back and forth and kept saving eventually they'd pay us to have insurance with them.   

Pay a little now...instead of a lot later!
Kidding aside, Insurance is about managing Risk.  Its like the old Fram auto parts commercial  You can pay me now or later (even more).   The risk is you loosing  assets that you can not afford to lose.  I mean if you own a super old car that just gets you there whats the impact of another ding to your car ?  Not much. When you buy the car you talked about in last weeks DB post  now that's a different story.

If you work  with a professional they will help you understand your risk and your  choices.  There is no hard and fast rule.. it's a balancing act.  But there are some general guide lines.

Renters Insurance Contract
1- Protect yourself from the big risks.  Example this is why I push hard for renters to have renters insurance.  If you lost all your things you would not be happy but you'd survive.  However if your so-called  friend is clowning around, falls  and  then sues you, you could lose  all the money you are saving for your house.   So a small cost but a big risk.

2- Plus coverage can be confusing.   You have homeowners insurance  for your home
Are you covered for these type of water damage.
  1. A Flood,  we have rains in the fall and the Santa Ana River overflows and floods your home.
  2. You have a small leak  in a pipe behind a wall  you don't see it and go on vacation.   When you come back your floor is ruined and soaked.
  3. A pipe bursts in your home.
  4. Your neighbors sprinkler runs all weekend and floods your home.
Answers and of course this depends on your policy.
Drying out  room after a pipe has burst
  1. Flood,  probably not  usually an exclusion and requires a separate flood policy.  If you are not in any kind of flood plain ask your agent
  2. Probably not  the leak was not instantaneous and sudden good chance you are not covered.
  3. You used to be but water damage has become a big expense and many policies have changed you may have to pay a little extra to get covered with this. 
  4. It the neighbors fault right .. guess what it's your policy that you have to look to.  If he wasn't negligent   well talk to your agent ...
Price, quality. service..pick any two
Learn the details of your policy know what it covers and it doesn't and see if  its worth adding additional coverages to share your risk.

 When a problem happens you need service.  State Farms has two sets of ads.   Price double check... and service ..state farm is there.   These actuality speak to what you should think about balancing... price ...risk and service. 

In case you wondered about life insurance.  We will  touch on that in the last week in estate planning.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Purchasing Routine make informed decisions

 It is Health  Insurance  Week but rather than Blog  about  Health Insurance.  I wanted to Blog about routine .  It's probably not open enrollment for you now , but  when it was  how many of  you just  choose the same health plan.  Is it really the best for you? I do not mean lowest cost.  I mean best for you.  Your  health is important and making a good decision is paramount for long term good health. 

What about your benefits?  If you have  good benefits, especially preventive care  why aren't you using them?  Take advantage of them so you can live long and prosper.    

If it's health, homeowners or car insurance,  your cell bill,  or any  other repetitive charge  gym membership etc,  its good to review at least once a year to  see if   its still the best for you.  Rates vary the best  car insurance for you in orange county  may not be the best in Long Beach  ( LA county).

Buying products or services involves making choices . This is true whether we are buying a new car or  hamburger buns. And, making wise buying decisions can mean the difference between reaching our financial goals and always being short of cash.
woman impulse buying

Therefore it is surprising how much of our purchasing is  driven by

      1.     Routine, or habit
2.     Impulse
3.     Good, Better Best Mentality

Regardless of price or product complexity, good purchasing decision skills will pay off. Depending on when we buy, where we buy, and how we buy,  hamburger buns can cost $0.99 or $4.29. A car that costs $20,000 at one dealership might be available someplace else for hundreds or thousands less. Obviously the stakes are lower when we are only making a small purchase,  but the process of smart buying and decision-making is the same.

battling computers
Every product or service we buy is designed to solve a problem:  hamburger buns allow you to eat with your hands, cars provide transportation. But the way we define the problem can have a huge impact on how we solve it.

 If we define the problem as "I need a new car" then our only solution is to buy a new car. But if we define the problem as "I need reliable transportation" then this opens the door to alternatives, like using public transportation, carpooling, buying a used car, or riding your bike or walking. Especially with a major purchase take a few minutes to really understand why we are making the purchase.

marriage proposal
If you just love your hamburger on a Kaiser Roll buy it.  For us we found that we normally only used  a few rolls in the package and ended up not using the rest. It had always been habit to buy  the package of 8 .  So we looked at alternatives,  Just buy a few  rolls.  Wrap the burger in a lettuce leaf  ( actually this is delicious with a Portobello instead of a burger) or skip the bun.  The point here is that if bun buying is on auto pilot, just like stopping at Starbucks every morning, then maybe we should consider breaking the habit. 

                            I’ll just talk about my grocery shopping process.

    1.     Costco just doesn’t work for us due  to sizes,  I tend to buy groceries at  Trader joes ,   Walmart,  Smart and Final, Stater Brothers and Sprouts and La Carretta  (similar to Gonzales/Northgate).   In Tustin  Trader Joes, Smart and Final  and Sprouts are alomst next to each other  so this can be one trip.
     2.     I have learned prices enough to know which  products makes sense  at which store.  Based on what we like.  Example  Meat, Cilantro,  and some other products are much cheaper  adn better at  La Caretta.
     3.     I’ve come to realize that sales  Stater’s and    Sprouts ads follow a pattern so I know when to buy extra’s.  At Wal Mart I’ll stock up on non perishables as I  visit them the least and combine with sundry shopping.
      4.      Now this doesn’t mean we don’t splurge.  I will pay extra for fruits and vegetables at a farmers market if really fresh. 
     5.     And yes I go with a list and find that minimizing waste saves much money.  
supermarket shopping

We are not bottom dollar but if I compare to just buying everything at  Albertson's ( the closest market) the savings are quite significant, and because I consolidate shopping and  other trips the time is not that much longer.  

 Major Purchase buying is all about making good decisions. And in order to make good decisions, we need to know our options. So after we define the problem, the next step in buying is making a list of all possible choices -- everything you can think of. Remember, we're not evaluating yet, we're just making a list of everything we can think of to consider. The key is to have as many alternatives as possible. More complex and important purchases--like buying a car or a home--require more alternatives.

It's important to be able to tell the difference between needs and wants. We may want a new car, even though taking the bus will get us where you need to go. Or we may want a new television, even though our  old one still works. These factors are important in helping us Achieve Our Goals.  Sometimes we just need  to satisfy a want … but better with a small purchase than a large one.
We get into trouble when we confuse what we "want" with what we "need." As soon as you decide you "need" something, then other alternatives for solving your problem are taken off the table. Your mind is made up and the decision-making process is over.  This is why a car so often is an impulse buy. WE DON’T TAKE THE STEPS NECESSARY TO GET A GREAT DEAL because we ”need” to but it now.  Since so often we are going to fill wants we might as well save money on the purchase, but adding a short delay to do the right research .

Our last car purchase is a good example.  
My wife wanted a new car a VW GTI  (not turbo or diesel ) with navigation and review camera.  given that her old car was a 2001 model and now used by our daughter, hard to argue too much .  We probably don’t “need” a 2nd car  (but  at least it’s not  some other brands)  however its smaller and safe and fun for her to drive.    Therefore my job was to keep the cost down rather than change  her decision,  the if and what we were going to buy.
professors comment wakes class
1-     Research showed me than only the upgraded versions came with navigation.  Adding it in the aftermarket saved money on the navigation and kept us from purchasing unwanted other features.
2-     Buying at the end of the model year helped get the lowest price.  Since we will keep the car a long time when we bought  it didn’t make a difference.
3-     I checked a number of car buying sites.  True car had the lowest price “guidance”.  I printed this out and took it with me.  I now knew the  most I would pay for the car. 
4-     I had my financing lined up first ( through schools first) . Again I now knew the most I would pay for the loan.  If the dealer can beat it great! 
5-     We went to the auto  show and drove a GTI.   By doing so we got another $500 off the car due to an auto show promotion.

Did we buy the car for the absolutely lowest price?  No,,  but we got what we wanted for a reasonably low price.  By waiting and research however I know we saved a lot over just walking into the dealer unprepared.

Good Better Best
cheese wiz gas station
Why do gas stations sell 87  89 and 91?  For the most part its not because there is a real need for  89.  It’s because when we are given a purchase choice between good better and best often will chose “better” and spend a lot more for features we don’t need. 

Automobile trim levels and televisions are great examples.  A lot a money is spent on upgrades and the one feature you want is set so you have to buy 5 you don’t.  Its up to you to decide if 95% of what you want at a good price is fine or do you need 98 to 100% for a lot more money.

Until next week.  

Monday, April 3, 2017

Prof K's Slightly Different View on Housing

my first house
rent buy live at home decision
I have a slightly different view on buying a home than you might have read
 so that I thought I'd share it with you.

You will always need  or want a place to live

Because you have to live somewhere the key is how much you have to pay for it as compared to other  alternatives. In financial  terms lets compare rent vs buying  ( non financial factors are just as important but I'm not discussing them   here

rent increase chart
1-  When you rent you are always paying someone else for the rest of your life.  Plus using averages, rent might increase 5% per year every year. On day one  this  is a cheaper option than a home purchase but not forever. .

2- When you buy a house in California ( assuming a fixed rate loan) your  total ownership  costs are likely  to increase  nor more more than 1%  a year.   That's because  you loan payment doesn't change,  Prop 13 limits property tax increases to 2% a year and other costs insurance  etc  insurance  increase at the same rate as rent would.  Therefore even if a rent vs buy analysis showed that today renting was far less expense if at some point  renting will   cost you more because the increase each year is much greater.

tax savings
3- I am not going to calculate the cost here ( if you close to buying a house you can email me and I'll help you lay them out on paper) but here is an example .

 If your rent is $1500 a month   in year one and  your house payment (everything taxes  insurance income tax benefit) is $2200  Renting looks cheaper  by far.  But in this scenario where are you in 5 years just in payments?  Rent going up 5% a year  compounded is now $ 1915  and the home purchase expense is $2212 a lot closer.  Now add in the fact that because home interest and property taxes are deductible you now itemize.  Lets  use $250 a month tax savings and now they are almost the same.

rent vs buy yearly payments chart
4- The crossover is typically between 5 and 9 years depending on your unique numbers.  Let's say 7 years.   In years 1 to  6 you pay more for your own home (the difference decreasing each year ) but in years  8 -30 your home ownership cost is less and  in not too many years after year 7  substantially less   just when when you need more of your money for children etc.

mortgage paid in full
5- Finally after 30 years your home is  paid off.  This 30 year period coincides approximate with when you will think about retirement. Buy the house at 30 years old pay it off by 60 and don't have a "rent" (house) payment by the time you are close to retirement.  You'll need a lot less money to live on in retirement if you own your home outright than it you rent. 

Other thoughts   

1 Don't consider your home an investment - As i said in the very beginning you have to live somewhere.  Owning rental property is an investment  ( and a good one) .  Or if you downsize in retirement and buy a smaller house then  yes ....but people get to focused on how much is my house worth today as opposed to how  expensive is my payment vs rent. 

2- Beware variable interest rates especially now - It's the rare case that a variable interest rate is
low interest rates today
good for you in the long term.  Variable interest moves the risk of higher interest form the bank to you.  Why do you think banks love these loans?  A small savings now may cost you ton's of money later. 

3- Don't buy a home with the expectation it will go up in value and you will move in a few years. This ties in with the banks argument for a variable loan. Buy a home fully expecting to live in it for 10 years plus ( if things workout and you can sell it sooner fantastic ) but if you plan for 10 years you should be ok.  Buy a house that you like waking in the front door of every night.

  I've been in  my house now for 31 years and I still enjoy walking in the front door and the neighborhood  which it is in.

high cost of moving
4- Understand how very  costly it is to sell a house and buy another.  It can easily be 8-10 of the
total value of your home.  6% real estate commission 1-2% the cost of a loan for your new home at the same mortgage amount, moving expenses , fixing up your old home to sell it.  Plus all the cost of making the new home "to your style".

5 -Consider buying  "wholesale" when you shop for a loan".  You would think that  if I shopped around credit union bank etc. I would get a better rate than if i went through a 3rd party ( a  mortgage broker)  For me the costs were a lot less and the service was better using  a  mortgage loan broker.  Good ones are few and far between but I found a great one.

6- Be creative when buying .  When i bought my first house ( a townhouse) i bought it with a college roommate. Between the two of us we could afford it. When he got married an moved out I bought out his share  and found a roommate to help with expenses.   I was willing to sacrifice some privacy for living a a much nicer place than i could afford alone.

7- The mortgage crisis.   Yes some people got in trouble with their mortgage because they lost their jobs.   However many others thought of their house as a source of cash.  When house  prices dropped you could not flip it either.  But if your in the  housing market for the long run the cycle turns and your still much better off than renting.

Hope you found these thoughts interesting.