Thursday, February 8, 2018

Your best Financial planner is YOU

Your  Best Financial  an Educated  YOU.

Often people ask me  Who is the  best financial planner  whom  I know.  I always  give them the same initial answer.  YOU.   Think about it, who  knows  more  about  what  you want to achieve,  your priorities, your personal concerns and tolerances  ( such as risk)  than you  do .  And for everyone they are  slightly  or very unique  so a cookie  cutter  approach might work.   

Some firms at  least in their TV ads tell you that  “we will get to know you”..  but everyone has their biases  and they need to make money   selling you something so its  hard to be objective.  Don’t mistake what I am saying here,  I am not  saying   ignore  others  or financial advisors ,  what  I am saying is  use  them  for garnering  information and  helping you execute  your plan  but  don’t delegate the  decision making  to others.  It’s your life  own the decision. 
Own the  big picture don't get lost in the details. 

A successful approach  to  personal  financial planning is  very  similar to being a   project  manager  on a project.  What does a great  project manager  do?

1.      They make  certain they understand the  end result desired and the benefit it will provide.
2.      They identify  risks  concerns and resources available at the start of the project.
3.      They utilize others  to gather  information and present  options.  (financial education)
4.      They don’t delegate  they  make the final decision re what to do  and how to do it.
5.      They turn over the execution (the detail investments within the plan structure)   to others  but  monitor progress
6.      If things go wrong or change  they  update as  required.
7.      And most great  project managers  trust their own abilities because they have  put in the work to separate the valid facts  from the BS.  

You are  the  project manage for your financial success. 

Understand the end result   you  desire

The  better  you can understand the end result  that you  want to achieve the better.
I had  one friend who’s goal was to  be rich   in the future.  This is actually different from another friend who wanted to look rich today.  

For me my goal was  that “ I want to live the same lifestyle after  I retire as  before”  .   Fortunately  I didn’t live a lavish lifestyle  before but if I did at least I’d know what  I’d need to achieve success.  Having a picture of the end result I wanted  helped me stay on target  pre retirement.  If you goal is to see the world when you retire  or to  leave significant  money to your children  you plans might be quite  different. 

Understand the Risks 

Why do you buy insurance?  For the most part it’s because  if something  bad  happens  it  won’t wipe   Everyone sees risk differently .  Not  everyone buys earthquake insurance on their  home,  why because we evaluate the risk vs cost differently.   The is no right or  wrong but if you identify the risks  you can make intelligent decisions that work for you.  Examples
you out.
1.      Long term care – what happens if you can’t take care of yourself
2.      A  drop in the value of you assets.. ie a market crash much can you tolerate and stay on plan?
3.      Inflation – If you don’t take some risk  then  inflation over time could be as bad as a crash. 

Once  you understand the risks they you can start making the best decisions for you. 

Gathering information.

Where do you get your financial information.

From friends? Do they have the complete  knowledge?  One friend tells you  draw social security at 62. Another says wait to 70 to maximize your benefit.   Who’s  right.   My famous  answer  is it depends.  For their situation each on may have  given the right information, or in the worst case  they are only looking at social security   and not your   entire financial picture.   

 If you were managing a project  you  don’t make a decision on one part if  it doesn’t make the whole project  better.  If you start looking at the market first  ups downs etc. your focused on the detail, step back and make a plan with a   financial strategy that works for you

From Investment companies.  Lets face it they make money  by having you turn your money over to them or give you advice.   It helps if you know how  an advisor makes money.   Some are better than others  but  they all have their inherent biases towards their own products or philosophies.

advice about investing is no less confusing
Example  The famous rule  you should have   100 minus  your  age  in equities  so if you have $500   then only $200 k should be in equities.  

 Unfortunately  all too often  people   and  investment advisors etc apply this rule to  their 401k  forgetting  they have investments  outside their 401k that need to be considered .   Suppose you have 200k in cd’s  outside your 401k.  That’s  700k total so even with the rule equities would be more like 280K.  A big difference.  

 If you are going to have big  social security or pension income ( which is fixed like a bond)   then you are  even  more out of balance.  Again its starting at the top and looking ar your whole picture before worrying about the details. 
k invested

Think about buying a car .  How much research  do you do.   You talk to  people you trust, you read  websites for  reviews you search for the best price,  most people are quite  knowledgeable when they walk into the dealer.  Now it’s just a matter of how well they can execute the transaction.    

 The  more  often   you  personally  can make the decision  about what you want to do  the better.  But you still need to gain knowledge.   The  simplest answer go to class  seminars   or read .   Many financial  companies  or  practitioners  offer seminars.   Of course they have  a goal and that’s to get your  money.

Now if you are the  one who can’t say no to the timeshare pitch  then these aren’t for you  as you can’t say no.  But if you can then go,  ignore the sales pitch and learn something about the  topic they are covering.   I go to 5 or 6 a year   sometimes just for the free dinner  but  only one time  did  I not learns something.  Just remember  they are the presenter.. you are the expert  project  manager attending to learn and understand   by  asking questions to make your project better .
 Typically  the best ones are  the classes that are over 2 or 3  nights and cost a minimal fee 50-150 (max)   offered at or through a community college or similar.     $150  that’s  a lot you  say.  Remember if you  have $150,000 invested today that is one tenth of one percent  of what you have invested.  If  you can’t make it back 10 times over with what you learned  then  somethings wrong.
Mistakes  with  when to take  social security ,  401k withdrawals,  and even some basis tax tips can cost you  thousands. 

 When I  have had a few transactions over the years that were out of the norm I sought  out experts in   and their advice  helped me do it right and save  a bundle.  

Once you have the  big picture then   the execution is something you can direct others to help you with .

 Have fun learning and investing in yourself with knowledge.

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